Learn the Art of Tantra Massage
With private tuition tailored to your requirements, intention and level of experience.
Many folks are muddled about what is a Tantra massage. Mistaking it for simply a sexual, sensual or erotic experience. Or even worse, the well-known "happy ending".
Tragically this misses the depth and potential for transformation that comes through honouring presence and devotional touch.
A true Tantra massage welcomes all of you as you are...
As a physical being
An energy being
An emotional being
A sexual being
A sacred being.
A true Tantra massage takes you beyond...
Beyond who you think you are
Beyond what you think you know
Into a state of embodied
All That Is.
The Journey
It starts with you.
Many folks think that learning Tantra massage is a "Do-ing" with techniques. This is simply not true.
Tantra massage is a transmission from your "Be-ing" to theirs.
The first step for anyone considering training in Tantra massage is to experience it first for themselves.
Therefore, it is a prerequisite that you first receive a Tantra massage from Gayatri by way of initiation. This can take place separately in advance, or on the first day of a multi-day booking.
Read about a Tantra massage session.
When you have awakened to the Tantric energies, you become like a tuning fork vibrating at a certain pitch. This invites another into resonance with you.
Then the journey of learning can really begin...
Awakening the Ecstatic Body
(minimum training time of one day)
This is the pre-requisite training before learning intimate genital massage.
You will learn the following….
- Essence of Tantric Touch
- Keys of Energy Awakening
- Full-body Ecstatic Awakening Massage Sequence (no intimate genital massage)
- Opening and closing rituals to create sacred holding
- Distinction between giving and receiving, taking and allowing
- Clear and conscious communication
You will leave feeling confident and assured in offering an ecstatic awakening massage to beings in all bodies.

Tantra Massage to Men
(minimum training time of one day)
Building on the skills from the "Awakening the Ecstatic Body" training, discover how to take a male-bodied being on a journey of erotic aliveness. Expanding beyond goal-oriented climax into orgasmic states of ecstasy and awakening.
You will learn the following….
- Shiva Honouring Ritual
- Anatomy & Energetics of Arousal
- Lingam Massage
- Anal Massage
You will leave feeling confident and assured in offering massage to a male body.
Tantra Massage to Women
(minimum training time of one day)
Building on the skills from the "Awakening the Ecstatic Body" training, discover how to take a female-bodied being on a journey of embodied pleasure, empowerment and love.
You will learn the following….
- Shakti Honouring Ritual
- Anatomy & Energetics of Arousal
- Breast Massage
- Yoni Massage
You will leave feeling confident and assured in offering massage to a female body.

Private Tantra massage trainings are offered from a studio temple space in Yate, Bristol (BS37).
Training programmes are bespoke to your requirements, intention and level of experience.
Fees begin at £1,200 per day for solo explorers.
It is recommended that you first receive a Tantra massage from Gayatri by way of initiation into the training. This can take place separately in advance, or on the first day of a multi-day booking.
What's included...
- Full day of training (suggested timings 10am to 6pm)
- Experienced model for massage practice
- Nourishing and nutritious lunch
- Handouts of massage sequences
- Follow up session via Zoom
Want to share the experience with a partner or friend?
The "couples" rate is £1,500 per day.
This means you are willing to give and receive massage to and from one another for practise.
If only one of you wants to give and the other receive, the rate remains the same as you will both learn a lot from the experience regardless who is attending to learn.