What are your er*tic intentions?

Jan 30, 2025

How has 2025 begun for you? Are your New Year’s resolutions still firmly in place?

Many people start the year with good intentions, yet by mid-January, they’ve already fallen by the wayside. There’s a good reason for this—early January is not a natural time for fresh starts or bold action.

In the ancient Celtic calendar, known as the Celtic Wheel, Winter is a time for dreaming and visioning. It’s a season of going inward, listening deeply, and allowing your truest desires to emerge from the depths of your soul.

The stirrings of Spring begin on 1st February—this Saturday! Now is the time to start sowing the seeds of the life you want to live.

So, if you’ve been berating yourself for not yet making progress towards your goals, take a breath. You are right on time.

When you look ahead, what role does your erotic self play in your vision for an ideal life?

Sex drives so much of our waking awareness—more than most people care to admit. It isn’t just about what happens in the bedroom; it’s the spark, the vitality, the va-va-voom that fuels our very existence.

The energy of Eros is the energy of life itself. It wants to be lived and experienced.

Here are some questions to guide your reflections:

  • What are your erotic intentions for 2025?
  • What skills would you like to cultivate for greater pleasure and more fulfilling encounters with yourself or others?
  • What needs to shift so you can create the erotic life you desire?
  • What’s the first step you could take?

One of the biggest myths about sex is that it’s entirely natural and requires no guidance. Yet, we’re constantly bombarded with messages—often unhealthy or unhelpful—about sex and sexuality. No wonder so many people struggle to create the intimacy and pleasure they crave.

Exploring and discovering your authentic sexual expression is one of life’s greatest adventures. And when you embark on this journey with an expert guide, the path becomes more easeful, enriching, and illuminating.

If you’re curious about how I can support you in deepening your erotic fulfilment, I’d love to hear from you. Book a no-obligation Exploration Call and let’s begin the journey together.