What is the place of pleasure in the world?
Jan 11, 2024
As you look out into the world right now, you may be wondering where humanity is heading.
Complex emotions may be arising – grief, despair, rage and bewilderment. Or perhaps it all feels just too much, and numbness blankets the overwhelm.
When so many are suffering, is it okay to feel joy?
When so many are simply trying to survive, is it acceptable to celebrate life?
Yes, yes and once again yes!
At times like these, we need to consciously remember what is good and beautiful in humanity.
Pleasure is a key to bring us back into connection.
We may need to express grief and release emotion on our way to ecstasy. (Check out this interview with Adam Taffler on YouTube where I talk about the relationship between grief and Eros, as well as the transformational benefits of Tantra massage).
When we experience true – rather than transitory – pleasure, it dissolves the boundaries of separation and nourishes body and soul.
Pleasure is connection to the aliveness of Life moving through.
Pleasure softens the boundaries between you and the world around.
Pleasure brings you into intimate relationship with Existence.
In pleasure we taste the infinite and feel our limitlessness.
In pleasure we come to know the One.
How would you set an intention for more pleasure in your everyday world? Whether big or small.
Let us remember the joy of being in this body.
Let us celebrate the privilege of being alive.
Let pleasure be a prayer of Love in action.
And so it is.
IMAGE: By HiddenDrawerNo309 on DeviantArt.com