The Seasons of S*x
Oct 10, 2024
As the leaves change colour and the nights begin to draw in, how do you relate to the change of the seasons?
Do you mourn the loss of the bright Summer days and dread the darkness of the coming Winter?
Or do you welcome the turn of the wheel and embrace the gifts of this time?
In our dominant mainstream culture, there is a tendency to preference a perpetual state of Summer.
The obsession with the Yang of upwards and outwards is at the expense of the Yin of downwards and inwards.
This shows up in our notions of sex.
Many people set the standard of what is “normal” in sex based on the adolescent experience of arousal. When they were in the Spring of their being.
Puberty is accompanied by a huge rush of hormones as life wants to beget more life. There is an urgency driven by the biological impulse.
The times when a light breeze could incite a strong erection, or a glance from an attractive admirer could illicit a wave of arousal.
This informs many people’s ideas of how sex should be.
However, as we grow older, the hormones change.
As we mature in our being, our sexuality shifts into other seasons.
Yet for many folks, their idea of how sex should look does not. Causing much unnecessary dissatisfaction, disappointment and dismay.
Men fear a loss of their potency and worry that they can no longer “get it up”.
Women fear the changes of their body and worry that their juices are “all dried up”.
Our culture celebrates youth and vigour to the point that we have lost a relationship with maturity and wisdom. Due to this ignorance and lack of healthy models of maturation, so much energy is lost, and time wasted by judging the experiences of the body.
It doesn’t have to be this way.
You are not broken or past it. You are evolving.
Our sexuality is SUPPOSED TO change over our lifetime.
Free from the urgency of biology, you get to embrace a new kind of love-making.
One that is based in bonding connection and heartful presence.
One that is based on reverence and relaxed playfulness.
One that has a potential for more spiritually expansive experience.
What if instead of mourning the loss of the youth (Spring/Summer), you could embrace the gifts of maturation (Autumn/Winter)?
If you are a man or couple seeking to explore the evolution of your sexuality, book in for an Exploration Call to discuss how I can support you in best navigating this change so that you can have more pleasure and expansion than ever before.