What is a Tantric massage?
Sep 18, 2024
Many folks are muddled about what is a Tantric massage.
Mistaking it for simply a sexual or sensual experience. Or the notorious "happy ending".
Tragically this misses the depth and potential for transformation that comes through honouring presence and devotional touch.
"What a life-changing experience. To call it a massage just doesn't do it justice" - James
A true Tantra massage welcomes all of you as you are.
As a physical being
An energy being
An emotional being
A sexual being
A sacred being.
A true Tantra massage takes you beyond.
Beyond who you think you are
Beyond what you think you know
Into a state of Oneness
With All That Is.
“A whole system reminder of who I am when sex, heart and spirit are connected” - Geoff
Curious to know more? Read about the benefits of Tantra massage and structure of a session on this Tantra massage page.
I offer sessions to men seeking transformation and erotic enlightenment. Why not book in for an Exploration Call to see if it's the right fit for you?