What’s new in the blog?

What is here now? Feb 29, 2024

The ability to truly hear another - with curiosity about their experience and without taking it personally - is a wonderful capacity to cultivate.

Do you provide a safe harbour for them to gently dock the boats of emotion? Or do you cast them into raging seas of reactivity?

All too often when we...

Why wait till it goes "wrong" to find out what feels right for you? Feb 01, 2024

It’s kind of curious that we humans are often more motivated by pain than pleasure.

I’m not talking about the kinky and consensual kind of pain. I simply mean that we seemed to be spurred to move away from what we don’t want rather than move towards what we do want. The stick of...

What is the place of pleasure in the world? Jan 11, 2024

As you look out into the world right now, you may be wondering where humanity is heading.

Complex emotions may be arising – grief, despair, rage and bewilderment. Or perhaps it all feels just too much, and numbness blankets the overwhelm.

When so many are suffering, is it okay to feel joy?

Poetry from the Portal Dec 22, 2023

Can you feel it? The Sacred Pause in the turn of the wheel of the year?

At Solstice time in the Northern Hemisphere, we experience the shortest day and longest night. We enter a portal of potential. A space to compost what has come before. A space to dream into the future yet to be.

So often at...

What if everything you had learned about s*x was wrong? Nov 14, 2023

Men – it’s not your fault.

  • No-one gave you a proper education in sex, pleasure and intimacy.
  • No-one offered you a loving and honouring sexual initiation.
  • No-one showed you how to show up as a man. In life or in sex.
  • And very few seem to celebrate potency of men and masculinity.


Grief, Darkness & Eros Oct 30, 2023

If you follow me on Facebook or Instagram, then you might have noticed that these days I'm mostly talking about Grief and Darkness.

The necessity of tending to our Grief in these tumultuous times.
The invitation to drop into deep rest and befriend Darkness as a practice.

What do Grief and Darkness...

Dropping into Sacred Darkness Oct 13, 2023

There has never been a time like this to be alive. There has never been a more urgent need to pause, rest and reflect.

In a world that seems to be spiralling ever more wildly into chaos, it is essential to stay in our centre. Stay resourced. Stay present.

As the season changes and we move towards...

Men – I love you Oct 01, 2023

Over the last weeks, I’ve been settling into my new home in North Dorset (close to the Osho Leela Personal Development Centre for those who know it!).

As I tune into the offerings I wish to share from this space, I feel a call to return to my first and deepest love – working with...

What value do you place on sustainability? Sep 18, 2023

Here's something that doesn't often get talked about in the world of spirituality, wellbeing and personal growth... When investing in a workshop or training, part of what you are paying for is the soothed and stable nervous system of the facilitator.

It takes a lot to facilitate a space for...

Holding space for male vulnerability May 31, 2023

One of the great losses in the heteronormative standard story of sex is that female sexuality is considered to be complex and mysterious whilst male sexuality is considered to be simple and obvious*

What might be closer to "truth" is that there is something profoundly mysterious about the...

Sanctuary Retreats: Restore your zest for life! May 31, 2023

Summer has come to Somerset and recently we have been enjoying the delights of having folks here for Sanctuary Retreats.

The home space of “Heaven on Earth HQ” is truly a sanctuary from the bustle and busy-ness of life. The sacred is deeply woven into the everyday.

This is not just a...

It’s our seventh birthday! Apr 06, 2023

Today we are celebrating seven years of Tantra Massage Training. Since 2016, hundreds of sensual explorers have discovered the beauty and potency of neo-Tantra through bodywork and ritual. That’s seven years of embodied awakening through embracing Eros.

The number seven appears in many...